CBD and Alzheimer
We all tend to imagine that our memory will always be intact and eternal. However, as we get older, memory loss becomes apparent. Some people will have a few minor memory lapses, such as forgetting where something is stored, and so far so good, while others may have more serious problems, such as not recognizing their loved ones. In the latter case we speak of Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is for the moment incurable despite the fact that there are treatments to limit its progression. CBD, a natural molecule derived from the hemp plant, is one of them.
Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease of the brain tissue, that is to say that it leads progressively to the loss of neurons and therefore of memory. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, this disease is a form of dementia that gradually destroys mental functions (perception, memory, language…).
According to a thesis, Alzheimer’s disease is the consequence of a deposit of b-amyloid protein accumulating in many parts of the brain and forming small inflammatory foci. This accumulation ends up destroying the neuronal cells and thus altering the fluid of neurotransmitters and the loss of cerebral functions.
The causes of this deposit of b-amyloid protein in the brain (protein harmful to the central nervous system) remain unknown today, but factors such as genetics, the environment and oxidative stress could favor the appearance of the disease. Alzheimer’s disease generally appears around the age of 65, although it can appear earlier. It is difficult to differentiate between changes due to aging and those due to dementia.
The first symptom to appear is amnesia (loss of memory) and develops as the disease progresses. Short-term memory is the first to be affected, while more distant memories are spared. As the disease progresses, the cognitive problems deteriorate and create language confusion, irritability, behavioral problems and the inability to perform everyday tasks and recognize loved ones. There are four stages during Alzheimer’s disease:
At the very beginning of the disease, the first symptoms are often mistaken for signs of aging. The patient can live independently but will have mild short-term memory loss, such as forgetting where to put the keys and not remembering certain vocabulary words. Other symptoms such as attention deficit, flexibility, and planning are present in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. These are the mild cognitive disorders. Neuropsychological tests can reveal mild cognitive problems about 10 years before the patient is diagnosed with the disease.
In the early stage, symptoms evolve and confirm the diagnosis of cognitive impairment. Memory loss and difficulties in learning and retaining become more severe. The patient therefore needs help with everyday tasks such as managing administrative papers. During the early stage, some people experience symptoms other than memory problems, such as language problems (aphasia), identification problems (agnosia) or difficulties in performing movements (apraxia). This phase of the disease is very long and can even last several years. Check out the best cbd oil in this link.
The moderate stage is a phase for the patient that starts to become complicated. The memory problems continue to increase and this time the long-term memory, which has been intact until now, begins to deteriorate. The person with Alzheimer’s disease will begin to lose recognition of loved ones. During this phase, the patient is no longer able to perform the tasks of daily life alone. Similarly, language deteriorates, leaving the patient unable to recall vocabulary words (aphasia) and incorrectly replaces them with others (paraphasia). In the moderate stage, the patient may exhibit strange behaviours such as aggression, confusion, split personality and delusions.
In the final stage of Alzheimer’s disease, caregivers take over the care of the patient because he or she is completely unable to control his or her life. Language has almost completely disappeared but the patient still feels the emotions of others and can respond with emotional signs. The consequences of this stage are extreme empathy and a great deal of fatigue, despite the fact that aggressiveness is still present at times.